“We don’t grow when things are easy.
We grow when we face and overcome challenges.” — Anonymous.
A challenge is something new and difficult, which requires great effort and determination to overcome.
The present economic situation we are all facing now, for example, is a challenge. Whatever makes life difficult for you is a challenge that you must overcome.
Every challenge has the strategic steps required to overcome it, and that is what i’m inspired to briefly share with you today in five simple steps.
STEP #1.
Accept the reality of your challenge(s) and embrace it. Avoid denial and rejection.
Your happiness in life will grow in proportion to your ability to accept a situation for what it is.
STEP #2.
Face your challenge(s) with a positive attitude and an excited mindset.
Learn to see the positive sides of your challenge(s). You should see your challenge(s) as an opportunity to test your strengths and bring the best out of you.
STEP #3.
Wear your thinking cap 🧢. Engage your brain 🧠. Learn how to think outside the box. Wake up early to think. Stay alone in solitude to think. Go to the mountains if possible to think. Your mental strength is highly required in tackling your challenge.
STEP #4.
Leave your comfort zone. Wake up early daily to work on your plans. Minimise screen times(Television & Computer). Limit the time you spend online and with your phone. Limit your social outings. Read and do research on vital information about the challenge(s) you are facing. Go back to class if possible to learn new valuable skills. All these will lead to your self-improvement and growth that will strengthen you and serve as a catalyst to overcome
your challenge(s).
STEP #5.
Become more spiritually aware. Understand that the spiritual controls the physical and that there is a spiritual solution to every problem.
Don’t allow the low energies of self-pity, sadness, fear, doubt, and anxiety overwhelm you. Rather, connect to higher spiritual energy.
In simple terms, be connected to Almighty God,your creator, and turn your challenge(s) over to him.
Through the spiritual practices of prayers, fasting, meditation, worship, reading the scripture, etc, you can literally have your challenge(s) disappear.
In conclusion, i would like you to know that challenges are what make life interesting, and overcoming them is what makes life meaningful.
Rise up to the challenge confronting you right now, push yourself, because no one will push you.
Challenges are not meant to destroy you. They’re meant to promote, increase, and strengthen you.
The toughest challenge brings you the greatest reward.
I see you overcoming all your challenges soon.
Happy Sunday, and have a great week.
Yours sincerely,
Dr Nelson Ayodele (DNA)
Life Coach and Motivational Speaker.