In a harrowing incident that unfolded in Kogi State, residents of a quiet neighborhood united in a remarkable act of bravery as they rescued a young boy who had been buried alive by his elder brother as punishment for allegedly stealing N1000.
The incident, which transpired on Monday, shocked the community and brought to light the extent to which such incidents can occur.
The 12-year-old victim, whose identity has been protected for safety reasons, had reportedly been accused of pilfering N1000 from his elder brother’s personal belongings.
The elder sibling, who is 22 years old, resorted to an unimaginable form of punishment by digging a hole in their backyard and burying the young boy alive as a form of retribution.
The daring rescue operation commenced when a vigilant neighbour, who happened to hear faint cries coming from the ground, raised the alarm.
Promptly, other concerned residents rushed to the scene and began digging frantically to unearth the terrified boy.
Eyewitnesses described the situation as tense, with some of them stating that the boy was gasping for breath and visibly traumatized.
Local authorities were alerted, and emergency services were dispatched to provide medical assistance.
The Kogi State Police swiftly apprehended the elder brother, whose name has been withheld pending further investigation.
He now faces charges of attempted murder, child abuse, and other related offenses.
The incident has sparked outrage and concern among residents, with many demanding more comprehensive awareness campaigns on child abuse and proper conflict resolution within families.
It has also prompted discussions on the importance of fostering a safe and supportive environment for children to prevent such tragic incidents.
The rescued boy is currently receiving medical attention and counseling to help him recover from the horrifying experience.
The community is rallying around him, offering support and comfort during this difficult time.
As investigations continue into this shocking incident, it serves as a stark reminder of the need for vigilance and community support to protect vulnerable individuals, particularly children, from harm in their own homes.