“Xmas in Mushin” is a heartwarming tale of four young friends, Lekan, Korede, Ayo, and Tunde, who live in the bustling streets of Mushin, Lagos. Growing up in poverty, they’ve never experienced a beautiful Christmas. But this year, fate smiles on them, and their lives are about to take a dramatic turn.
The Streets of Mushin
The sun was setting over the crowded streets of Mushin, casting a warm orange glow over the bustling market. Lekan, Korede, Ayo, and Tunde, all in their early teens, sat on a worn-out bench, watching as people hurried to finish their daily shopping.
The four friends had grown up together, sharing what little they had, and relying on each other for support. Lekan, the eldest, was a bright and ambitious young man who dreamed of becoming a doctor one day. Korede was the jokester of the group, always cracking jokes and making his friends laugh. Ayo was the quiet and introspective one, who loved to read and write poetry. Tunde was the athlete of the group, with a passion for football and a dream of becoming a professional player.
As they sat on the bench, they couldn’t help but feel a sense of sadness wash over them. Christmas was just around the corner, and they knew they wouldn’t be able to afford any gifts or celebrations.
“Christmas is just a few days away,” Lekan said, sighing. “I wish we could afford to buy some gifts for our families.”
“I know, right?” Korede replied. “It’s hard to feel festive when you’re struggling to make ends meet.”
Ayo nodded in agreement. “I’ve been writing some Christmas poems, but it’s hard to get into the holiday spirit when you’re poor.”
Tunde looked at his friends with determination in his eyes. “We’ll figure something out, guys. We always do.”
Little did they know, their lives were about to take a dramatic turn, one that would bring them joy, laughter, and a Christmas they would never forget.
About the author:
To connect with this remarkable artist and experience the magic of his creativity, you can reach him at +234 802 273 6101.
Duke diipo Akinsete is a testament to the transformative power of artistry, a Lagos artist par excellence whose legacy continues to inspire and uplift the human spirit through the world of art.