A wave of drama has unfolded following the death of Nollywood veteran actor, Sule Suebebe, as reports indicate that his family has allegedly refused to collect his body from Pastor Ademola Amusan, popularly known as Agbala Gabriel, an Ibadan-based cleric who had been caring for the actor during his illness.
Sule Suebebe passed away early on Wednesday morning, June 12th, at an undisclosed hospital in Ibadan, Oyo State.
Pastor Ademola Amusan, who had been providing care for the late actor for several months, confirmed his death and expressed his sorrow on Facebook, praying for his soul to rest in peace.
According to social media reports, the actor’s family has declined to retrieve his body from Pastor Agbala Gabriel. This development has sparked controversy and raised questions about the circumstances surrounding the refusal.
Pastor Agbala Gabriel has been known for his philanthropic efforts and care for individuals in need, including actors and actresses in the Nollywood industry. He has played a significant role in supporting the late actor during his illness.
The news has garnered mixed reactions on social media, with some users expressing sympathy for Pastor Agbala Gabriel and criticizing the family’s decision, while others have called for understanding and respect for the family’s wishes during this difficult time.
The situation remains fluid, with the public eagerly awaiting further updates and clarification regarding the next steps in handling Sule Suebebe’s final arrangements.